Adopting Your First Hamster

Basic Care



It is important that hamsters have an appropriate wheel to run on. They run for hours each night to release energy and fulfill their instincts.

5 Running Statistics

5K3.1 miles (5 km)~1/2 night
10K6,2 miles (10km)1 night
Half-marathon13.1 miles (21.08 km)2.5 nights
Marathon26.2 miles (42.16 km)5 nights
The 100K62 miles (100 km)11 nights


Their wheels should be solid to avoid injuries and large enough for them to run without their back curving. For Dwarves, the minimum size is 8", and for Syrians the minimum is 12". You may also want to consider the noise that wheels make. Some are noisy while others are designed to be silent.

Some popular wheels are the Wodent Wheel, Silent Spinner, Comfort Wheel, and Silent Runner. They can get a bit pricey, though the higher end ones will last for years. My current Silent Runner has been used by three different hamsters.

Chew Toys

Did you know hamsters' teeth never stop growing? Because of this, they need chew toys to help wear them down.

The most common kinds of hamster chews are wood, loofa, and lava rock. It's good to have a selection for your new hamster to try so you can see which kind they prefer.


In the wild, hamsters dig burrows to live in. These burrowing instincts remain, so it is important to provide your hamster with ample room for digging.

The bedding in your cage should be at least 7 inches deep to allow for a proper burrow. Certain materials are better for burrowing than others. You should plan to provide your hamster with both wood chips and paper bedding.